Gentle Tooth Extractions in Mauldin, SC

Preserve Your Oral Health

Dr. McCraw and our team will always do our best to save your tooth, but there are some situations when the only sensible option is to remove it. If you have a tooth that’s severely decayed or damaged to the point that it’s threatening the health of your other teeth, an extraction will likely be necessary.

If Dr. McCraw has to extract your tooth, he’ll ensure that your procedure is safe and pain-free. After your tooth has been safely removed, he can replace it with a natural-looking dental implant.

Our Extraction Process

Each one of your teeth is held in place by a ligament that runs along the edge of its socket. To remove your tooth, Dr. McCraw will gently expand the socket and separate the tooth from the ligament. Rest assured, he’ll numb your tooth with a local anesthetic before the procedure starts so you won’t feel any pain.

After your tooth is removed, it’s crucial to replace it as soon as possible. Empty sockets can become breeding grounds for harmful bacteria, leading to gum disease and additional tooth loss. In most cases, Dr. McCraw will recommend a dental implant to restore your smile.

Visit McCraw Family Dentistry For Gentle Extractions

In some situations, the only way to save your tooth is to remove it. If you need an extraction, Dr. McCraw can ensure you have a painless experience. Call our Mauldin practice at (864) 297-6432 and schedule your consultation today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a tooth extraction take?
How long after a tooth extraction can I eat?
Are tooth extractions painful?
How long does it take to recover from a tooth extraction?

How long does a tooth extraction take?

Tooth extraction is a relatively fast procedure that’s typically completed in a single appointment. In most cases, the surgery will take about an hour for a single tooth. If you need to have multiple teeth extracted, it’ll take longer and may require additional visits.

How long after a tooth extraction can I eat?

After having a tooth removed, you should wait about an hour before eating anything. Make sure to stick with soft foods for the first day after surgery to avoid infecting your empty socket. After the socket has healed, you can return to your normal diet.

Are tooth extractions painful?

Many patients fear tooth extractions under the impression that they’re painful, but most of them experience little to no discomfort in reality. Before removing your tooth, Dr. McCraw will numb it with a local anesthetic to keep your pain level at a minimum. Any discomfort felt after the procedure is typically mild and can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications.

We also offer IV sedation for patients with dental anxiety, upon request.

How long does it take to recover from a tooth extraction?

Most patients are able to recover quickly from a tooth extraction, resuming their normal diet and physical activities in just a few days. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the tissue won’t fully heal for three to four weeks, so make sure to stay cautious and avoid doing anything that might impact your recovery.
