Professional Teeth Whitening in Mauldin, SC

Brighten Your Smile With Dr. McCraw

In most cases, your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. This makes life difficult if you have stained or yellow teeth. Thankfully, we feature two different treatment options that can whiten your teeth and remove stains for a bright, beautiful smile.

Explore our teeth whitening guide to determine the best option for you.

Young woman laughing in a hammock

What Causes Stained Teeth?

There are a wide variety of factors that can contribute to stained teeth. Some of the most common are:

  • Poor oral hygieneMake sure that you brush and floss every day to keep your teeth healthy and preserve their appearance.
  • TobaccoSmoking or chewing tobacco can leave nicotine stains on your teeth that cause them to look yellow.
  • Some Foods and Beverages – Try to avoid foods that stain your teeth, like blueberries, pomegranates, and curry. Many drinks are also known teeth-stainers, including coffee, tea, wine, and soda.
  • Certain Medications – Antibiotics such as tetracycline or doxycycline can stain your teeth.
  • AgeInevitably, your teeth will lose some of their natural brightness as you age and may become discolored.

In-Office Whitening

If you want immediate results, we recommend taking advantage of our in-office whitening treatment. This convenient procedure can make your teeth appear several shades whiter in just one hour, allowing you to maximize your time in the dental chair.

Rest assured, Dr. McCraw will numb your teeth so you don’t feel any pain and can relax throughout the treatment. Once it’s finished, you’ll leave our office with a stunning smile that will help you stand out wherever you go.

Take-Home Whitening

Though the in-office procedure is much faster, some patients prefer to whiten their teeth in the comfort of their own home. If you’re one of these patients, we’ll provide you with a set of customized trays and bleaching gel to take home so you can treat yourself at your own pace.

Our take-home whitening kits provide you with all the necessary tools to achieve spectacular results on your own. In just a week or two, you’ll be ready to smile with newfound confidence. Best of all, you won’t have to worry about fitting an appointment into your busy schedule.

Visit McCraw Family Dentistry For Teeth Whitening

No one should have to go through life feeling self-conscious about their smile. If you have stained or discolored teeth, Dr. McCraw can help you discover the smile you’ve always wanted with professional teeth whitening. Call our Mauldin practice at (864) 297-6432 to schedule your appointment today.
