Dental Implants in Mauldin, SC

Restore Your Smile With Dr. McCraw

If you want a permanent, natural-looking solution for missing teeth, look no further than dental implants. Implants replace missing teeth from root to crown and integrate with your jawbone for unmatched stability. Best of all, they can last up to a lifetime with proper care.

Explore our guide to learn what dental implants can do for your smile.

Elderly couple smiling and leaning together

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer many benefits that other restorations can’t match, including:

  • Looks and functions like a natural tooth
  • Secured to your jaw
  • Resistant to decay
  • Easy to maintain
  • Prevents jawbone deterioration
  • Can last up to a lifetime

The Dental Implant Process

Restoring your smile with dental implants is a three-step process that’s completed over the course of several months. While the treatment may take longer than getting a bridge or dentures, the long-term health benefits are well worth it.

The three steps of the dental implant process are:


Initial Consultation

During this visit, Dr. McCraw will thoroughly examine your teeth, gums, and jawbone to determine if you’re an immediate candidate for implants. He’ll also answer any questions you have about the procedure.


Implant Placement

Once he determines you’re ready, Dr. McCraw will place the implant fixture in your jaw and protect the surgical area to start the healing process. It can take anywhere from two to six months for your implant to heal and integrate with your jaw. This process is called osseointegration.


Final Restoration

After your mouth is fully healed, you’ll return to our office so Dr. McCraw can attach your customized porcelain crown. If you’re replacing multiple teeth, we can also secure a bridge or dentures with implants.

Are You a Candidate For Dental Implants?

If you want a tooth replacement that allows you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence, dental implants could be right for you. Unlike dentures, they’ll never fall out or slide around in your mouth and they can be cleaned just like natural teeth. Implants also stimulate healthy bone growth in your jaw to prevent deterioration and preserve your facial appearance.

To qualify for implants, you’ll need plenty of jawbone density and healthy gums. Thankfully, if you lack one or both of these things, Dr. McCraw can help you become a candidate with supplemental procedures.

3D model of a dental implant

Visit McCraw Family Dentistry For Dental Implants

If you have missing teeth, dental implants are the only solution that will protect your long-term health. With the help of implants, you can replace any amount of missing teeth, restoring health and beauty to your smile. Call our Mauldin practice at (864) 297-6432 to schedule your consultation with Dr. McCraw – it’s the first step to your new smile!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do dental implants last?
How do you take care of dental implants after the procedure?
Are dental implants safe?
Does insurance cover my dental implants procedure?
What do I do if there’s a complication with my dental implants?

How long do dental implants last?

Once your treatment is finished, the success of your dental implants is in your hands. For most patients, implants last at least 25 years before they need to be replaced. If you maintain excellent oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing, they can last for the rest of your life.

How do you take care of dental implants after the procedure?

The first week or two after surgery is crucial to the success of your implants. Make sure to follow Dr. McCraw’s post-op instructions carefully during this period. These instructions will include limiting your diet to soft foods, avoiding alcohol or smoking, and rinsing your mouth with warm salt water after meals.

Once they’ve healed, dental implants can be cared for just like natural teeth. No special tools or products are necessary to keep them clean. Just make sure to brush and floss every day, in addition to visiting our practice for checkups at least twice a year. Dr. McCraw recommends using a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoiding any brands of toothpaste that contain abrasive ingredients.

Are dental implants safe?

Dental implants have a success rate of 98% — as long as your surgery is performed by an experienced and qualified dentist, there’s no reason to worry. In fact, dental implants are the only restoration that stimulates your jawbone and prevents your teeth from shifting, making them the safest option in the long run.

Does insurance cover my dental implants procedure?

Unfortunately, dental implants are rarely covered by insurance, though your plan may pay for a portion of your total treatment cost. The amount of coverage can vary significantly depending on the terms set by your provider. If you have any questions about your insurance, our team will be happy to help you maximize your benefits.

What do I do if there’s a complication with my dental implants?

Complications with dental implants are rare. In the unlikely event that you experience one, don’t attempt to fix the issue yourself, as this can result in permanent damage and set your treatment back further. Instead, call our practice right away and Dr. McCraw will ensure you get the care you need as soon as possible.
